March PTO Minutes

Northwest Elementary School PTO Meeting

Date: March 7, 2017   Time: 6:30pm

       I.          Meeting is called to order by the President or Vice-President. Called to order by Jennifer Swartzbeck.

     II.           Officer Roll Call

a.      Jennifer Swartzbeck, President

b.      Jessica Cancilla, Vice-President

c.      Jennifer Rice, Secretary

d.      Steven White, Treasurer

    III.          Approval of Minutes from previous meeting

a.      Motioned by:  Lauren Parker

b.      Seconded by:  Kelly Labasik

    IV.          Approval of Treasurer’s Report

a.      Motioned by:  Kelly Labasik

b.      Seconded by:  Lauren Parker

     V.          Mr Ratica News


    VI.          Committee reports

a.      Membership

N/A   Jess Cancilla would like to chair this again next year

b.      Book Fair/Literacy

·        Suessabration Feb 27-March 6th (snow day on the 3rd). Each day NTV reported on the highest student participation and the class with the highest minutes read. At the end of the week, 5 reading slips were randomly drawn and those winners were each awarded a $10 Books A Million giftcard. Guest readers came in. Ice cream sundaes will be served during lunch on Friday, March 17th because of the snow cancellation on March 3rd.

·        Scholastic Book Fair will be May 1st-6th.

·        Janet White would like to co chair again next year. Kelly Smith was not at the meeting to confirm her chair.

c.      Family Fun Nights

                                                    i.     There have been no teacher volunteers for laser tag.

                                                   ii.     Need a chair for this committee

                                                  iii.     Fri, June 2nd will be a luau that the officers will be in charge of so the kids will get their second family fun night.

d.      Field Day

NA  Karen McDonald was not there to confirm if she would like to chair this committee again next year.

e.      Fundraiser

·        Sarris Candy fundraiser will be ending March 15th. Pick up will be April 12th from 5-6:30 pm.

·        Need a chair for this committee

f.       Homeroom Party Coordinators

·        A Facebook post looking for donations of store bought cookies and water will be posted.

·        Lauren Parker and Michelle Doutt will continue as co-chairs.

g.      Points for Education

·        Giant Eagle points for third quarter was 405, which equals $405. Check will be cut on the 18th.

·        Box Tops: $754 worth was submitted on Feb 27th.

·        Tyson Labels: $24 after 2 years.

·        Funding Factory: Northwest used to send Ink cartridges. $42.50 has been in our account for 4 years. Jennifer has requested that money.

·        Jennifer Swartzbeck will NOT be the chair for this committee next year. Need a chair.

h.      School Spirit

·        2 new logos: “Peace Love and Tuffy” and “Keep Calm and Tornado On” will be available. T shirts, long sleeve T shirts, half zipper and full zipper fleece. Mr Ratica needs to approve.

·        Jess Cancilla will no longer be the chair for this committee. Need a chair.

i.       Yearbook

·        121 are ordered. Need 226.

·        Lifetouch will be doing the yearbooks again next year.

·        April 3rd is deadline. If Kelly can get it done before, we may have them for Grandparents Night. Otherwise, we can possibly sell them at Family Fun Night.

·        Kelly Labasik will continue to chair this committee.

  VII.          New Business

New Welcoming committee to be formed next school year for Kindergarten orientation, etc. Need a chair.

VIII.          Questions and Comments

·        Going back to alternating between Mondays and Tuesdays for PTO meetings was discussed.

·        Nominations will be in April. Voting in May.

Meeting adjourned: 7:20pm

Motion by: Lauren Parker

Seconded by: Kelly Labasik