Northwest Elementary School PTO Meeting
Date: Sept 5, 2017   Time: 6:30pm

  1. Meeting is called to order by the President or Vice-President. Called to order by Jessica Cancilla
  2. Officer Roll Call
    1. Jessica Cancilla, President
    2. Carissa Huey, Vice-President
    3. Jennifer Rice, Secretary
    4. Steven White, Treasurer
  3. Approval of Minutes from previous meeting
    1. Motioned by:  NA
    2. Seconded by:  NA
  4. Approval of Treasurer’s Report
    1. Motioned by:  NA
    2. Seconded by:  NA
  5. Mr Ratica News
    1. Field trips. Because the budget was upped to $15 per student, could any excess money be used for assemblies? Voted yes. Also, all field trips will be district wide.
    2. Metal grate in cafeteria. Lights don’t go out completely, could the PTO purchase a blind/curtain to cover it during assemblies.
    3. Folding Machine for $267.19 for the school. Voted yes.
    4. Mr Dunn asked if PTO could pay for the pizza party for the class who raises the most for hurricane relief. Voted yes.
  6. New Business
    1. Ron Rick and Dena Brown from Food Services came to give the parents an overview of the new lunch offerings. Serving lines to give more quality than the airline style hot packs/cold packs. They will be back at the Oct meeting for questions, comments and/or concerns.
    2. Raptor system will be used for parents helping with school parties. Clearances will be needed for field trips and field day.
  7. Committee reports
    1. Membership
79 people joined the PTO at Open House
    1. Book Fair/Literacy
November Book Fair will be held Nov 13-17th. If Scholastic can deliver early, they will be setting up on Wed, Nov 8th.
    1. Family Fun Nights
      1. Halloween Dance will be Oct 20th, from 6-8. DJ contract is sent out and will be $200. Using trophies from previous years.
      2. Skate parties are booked
      3. Laser Tag nights are booked and a signup sheet for teachers is in the teachers lunch room.
    2. Field Day
NA (too early)
    1. Fundraiser
Brittany Meehan will be the chairperson again.
    1. Homeroom Party Coordinators
Forms were sent home for volunteers/coordinators for each class.
    1. Points for Education
Big turn in months will be October and February
    1. School Spirit
    1. Yearbook
Picture Day Sept 25th
    1. Welcoming
Open House was wonderful. 95 premade packages were given out.
  1. Questions and Comments
Teachers loved the money the PTO gave them to use towards the school year.
Question of an old Northwest PTO website was discussed.
Discussion of the meeting minutes and how they can be gotten.
Reminder to Committee Chairs to get info needed in newletter to Jenn by the 20th of the month.
Meeting adjourned: 7:09pm
Motion by: Courtney Nichols
Seconded by: Michelle Marrioti