May PTO Meeting Minutes

Northwest Elementary School PTO Meeting

Date: May 2, 2017   Time: 6:30pm

       I.          Meeting is called to order by the President or Vice-President. Called to order by Jennifer Swartzbeck.

     II.           Officer Roll Call

a.      Jennifer Swartzbeck, President

b.      Jessica Cancilla, Vice-President

c.      Jennifer Rice, Secretary

d.      Steven White, Treasurer

    III.          Approval of Minutes from previous meeting

a.      Motioned by:  Kim Platt

b.      Seconded by:  Kelly Labasik

    IV.          Approval of Treasurer’s Report

a.      Motioned by:  Kim Platt

b.      Seconded by:  Carissa Huey

     V.          Mr Ratica News

·        Glowsticks were delivered

·        PSSAs are going swimmingly

·        Northwest students are the best

·        Thank you to the parents

·        Assembly for next year – The Ted Show. It’s about positive behaviors

    VI.          Committee reports

a.      Membership


b.      Book Fair/Literacy

·        Scholastic Book Fair will be May 1st-6th. Jess Cancilla and Jenn Rice will run registers for Grandparents Night. Need a couple more volunteers.

·        Ms. Gattens had an idea for next year’s volunteers. Junior National Honors Society members need volunteer hours; this may be a good project for them.

·        Library funding is being cut. We discussed how we could help.

c.      Family Fun Nights

·   Fri, June 2nd will be a luau for the school.

d.      Field Day

·        There will be baskets raffled off during Grandparents Night for Relay for Cancer

·        Where can she hang posters for Relay for Cancer?

·        T Shirts for parent volunteers. Can we charge for them?

e.      Fundraiser

·   N/A

f.       Homeroom Party Coordinators

·        2 tables in cafeteria for snacks and water on Grandparents Night.

g.      Points for Education

·        BoxTops: $996.50

·        Tyson: $24

·        Giant Eagle: Still waiting

h.      School Spirit

·        51 people ordered

i.       Yearbook

·        Distributed to the students!

·        There was a mistake that Lifetouch made by omitting a student’s picture. They sent stickers that needed to be added to the yearbooks.

·        A mistake was made by the PTO on a student’s order. Discussed refunding money on the part that wasn’t ordered.

  VII.          New Business

·        Teachers luncheon will be May 5th

·        PTO Officer and Chairpersons were voted on at the beginning at the beginning of the meeting. Results:

o   President: Jess Cancilla

o   Vice President: Carissa Huey

o   Treasurer: Steven White

o   Secretary: Jenn Rice

o   Membership: Jess Cancilla

o   Literacy/Book Fair: Janet White and Nicole Cuny

o   Field Day: Karen McDonald and Nicole Cuny

o   Homeroom Party Coordinators: Lauren Parker and Kim Platt

o   Points for Education: Jennifer Swartzbeck

o   School Spirit: Carissa Huey

o   Welcoming: Jennifer Swartzbeck, Kim Platt and Nicole Cuny

o   Yearbook: Kelly Labasik

o   Family Fun Nights/Evening Events: NA

o   Fundraiser: NA

·        Updated By-Laws were voted on and approved.

·        Updated Standing Rules were voted on and approved.

·        A $40 donation was made to Childrens Hospital of Pittsburgh and a book will be donated to the school’s library in memory of Riley Roxbury.

VIII.          Questions and Comments

a.      N/A

Meeting adjourned: 7:35pm

Motion by: Janet White

Seconded by: Kim Platt