Northwest Elementary
School PTO Meeting
Date: April 4, 2017 Time:
Meeting is called to order by the President or
Vice-President. Called to order by Jennifer Swartzbeck.
Officer Roll
Jennifer Swartzbeck, President
Jessica Cancilla, Vice-President
Jennifer Rice, Secretary
Steven White, Treasurer
Approval of Minutes from previous meeting
Motioned by:
Lauren Parker
Seconded by: Karen McDonald
Approval of Treasurer’s Report
Motioned by: Kim Platt
Seconded by:
Carissa Huey
Mr Ratica News
Mr. Ratica asked if
the PTO could donate a case of glowsticks. They will be used for the bathrooms
when the power goes out. A case was ordered and the it came from the Officers
Discretionary Fund.
Committee reports
Book Fair/Literacy
Scholastic Book Fair
will be May 1st-5th.
Ms. Gattens will try to
set up times for all classes to come and browse at the Book Fair prior to
Grandparent’s Night.
It was brought up that
Scholastic has Scholastic News Monthly Readers that would cost the PTO $250. We
would like to put that in the budget for next year.
Family Fun Nights
i. Fri, June 2nd will be a luau for the school.
Limbo, photos, crafts, leis, dancing will all be included. Calling a new DJ
that may save some money.
Field Day
Cancer Awareness will be more prominent the week
up to Field Day. There may be a Cancer Walk, and less activities. Penny Wars –
The classroom that wins will have a pizza party.
Sarris Candy fundraiser
was the biggest fundraiser in years. $6000 sold for a $2100 profit.
Candy pick up will be on
the 12th from 5-6pm
Homeroom Party Coordinators
A Facebook post looking
for donations of store bought cookies and water will be posted.
Points for Education
Giant Eagle points $543
Box Tops: check should
be coming in April
School Spirit
Flyers will be sent
home. Pictures of the merchandise will be posted on Facebook. Orders will be
taken until Friday
166 sold, 226 ordered.
Northwest was first to
submit our order, so we were the first ones printed. Shipped April 4th.
There will be a Facebook
post to let people know there will be a limited quantity.
New Business
Teachers luncheon will
be May 5th
PTO Nomination Forms
were passed out to all members at the meeting. A form will be sent home with
all students for any members who are interested but were unable to attend. Form
will need to be returned by April 21ST.
Updated By-Laws were
passed out to all members for approval. Changes are:
Article V: Elections and
was left out in the
previous update, and has been added again.
Article VII: Duties of
Officers, Treasurer
The Treasurer’s accounts
shall be made public and approved monthly at the general PTO meeting.
The Treasurer will
purchase any licenses required by the PTO, including but not limited to, the
Small Games of Chance permit required for any type of raffle or bingo.
Article IX: Standing and
Special Committees, Section 5
The agenda for each
monthly meeting shall be posted electronically 48 hours prior to the scheduled
Article XIII: Amendments
These By-Laws can be
amended only once annually, in the month of May, for the reason of making
necessary revisions. A written notice of any proposed revisions to these
amendments can be given to the Audit Coordinator at any time throughout the
school year with the deadline of March 31st. An April meeting will
be help to discuss any revisions. These changes will be voted on at the May
organizational meeting and will be effective at the end of that current school
year. A designated evening meeting will be scheduled with the Audit Coordinator
and open to all PTO members for the purpose of voting on any amendments or
revisions. A revised set of these By-Laws shall then be submitted to the
Executive Board prior to the next monthly meeting.
Updated Standing Rules
were passed out to all members for approval.
2. Any expenditure not
included in your written work plan over $100 must be voted upon at a monthly
3. Gift/Donation Policy
Bereavement Policy for Staff,
Student and PTO member have been updated
Cards/Balloons Policy
for Staff, Student and PTO member have been updated.
5. 2+ PTO members need
to be present anytime monies are collected/counted from any committee function.
At no time is one member allowed to be in charge of monies. If your committee
only have one chairperson, then another committee volunteer or Treasurer must
be present. Monies received at ant committee function are to be counted and
given to the PTO Treasurer within two (2) days to recount and deposit.
7. Chairpersons/Officers
need to report to at least half of the meeting in a given school year.
8. Staff Supplement
This is on hold for now.
There was discussion as to how we could give paraprofessionals a supplement if
they bought school supplies.
Questions and Comments
PTO received a thank you
note from Mrs Augustine for helping with the Jump Rope.
Elections in May.
Meeting adjourned: 7:58pm
Motion by: Kim Platt
Seconded by: Lauren Parker