Northwest Elementary School PTO Meeting

Date: Jan 3, 2017   Time: 6:30pm

       I.          Meeting is called to order by the President or Vice-President. Called to order by Jennifer Swartzbeck.

     II.           Officer Roll Call

a.      Jennifer Swartzbeck, President

b.      Vice-President

c.      Jennifer Rice, Secretary

d.      Steven White, Treasurer

    III.          Approval of Minutes from previous meeting

a.      Motioned by:  Jenn Rice 

b.      Seconded by:  Jess Cancilla

    IV.          Approval of Treasurer’s Report

a.      Motioned by:  Lauren Parker

b.      Seconded by:  Kim Platt

     V.          Mr Ratica News

Happy New Year

    VI.          Committee reports

a.      Membership

2 new members

b.      Book Fair/Literacy

Thank you!

c.      Family Fun Nights

                                                    i.     5 dates for Bowling/Laser tag. If a teacher will play, the PTO earns a $50 bonus. Because we have trouble getting teachers to volunteer, it was brought up, voted on and approved to give any teacher who shows up a $25 giftcard to be used for supplies in their classroom.

                                                   ii.     Jess C was able to get 28 more coin purses for students at Family Fun Night

                                                  iii.     Jess Cancilla is dropping her co-chair from Family Fun Nights in order to run for the open position of Vice President.

                                                  iv.     Dawn Herrick and Heather Cihonski

d.      Field Day

NA (too early)

e.      Fundraiser

Reminder that we need a chairperson for 2017-2018 school year

f.       Homeroom Party Coordinators

Winter party was good. Valentine’s Day party is next.

g.      Points for Education

                                                    i.     Box Tops collected $241 in Dec.

                                                   ii.     Check in mail for $700

                                                  iii.     Next collection will be in Feb

h.      School Spirit

T shirts and Sew On was late getting the shirts to us. The shirts will go out on Fri 1/6/17

i.       Yearbook

Pictures are in, so the portrait pages are starting to be made. 51 yearbooks sold so far.

  VII.          New Business

a.      Vote for Vice President. Ballots were made with Dawn Herrick, Danielle Beatty and Ryan Beatty. Because one needs to be at the meeting in order to be voted into a position, only Dawn attended, the others were removed. Jess Cancilla was added to ballot. Jenn Rice and Steve White tallied the votes. Jess Cancilla was voted in 12 to 2.

b.      Tote bags were given to the teachers and staff.

c.      Steve spoke to Living Treasures about a roving team of animals for an assembly. He will look further into this and hopefully we can do this.

VIII.          Questions and Comments

Feb 7th is the next meeting

Meeting adjourned: 7:05pm

Motion by: Jess Cancilla

Seconded by: Heather Cihonski