Northwest Elementary School PTO Meeting
Date: Sept 5
Nov 7, 2017   Time: 6:30pm

  1. Meeting is called to order by the President or Vice-President. Called to order by Jessica Cancilla
  2. Officer Roll Call
    1. Jessica Cancilla, President
    2. Carissa Huey, Vice-President
    3. Jennifer Rice, Secretary
    4. Steven White, Treasurer
  3. Approval of Minutes from previous meeting
    1. Motioned by:  Carissa Huey
    2. Seconded by:  Lauren Parker
  4. Approval of Treasurer’s Report
    1. Motioned by:  Jennifer Rice
    2. Seconded by:  Carissa Huey
  5. Mr Ratica News
    1. Mr Ratica asked the PTO for a travers wall for Mrs. Augustine.
    2. Mr Ratica asked if the PTO could look into a new batters cage for the playground. Discussion about whether it is a district or PTO expense.
    3. Discussion about creating a landscaping committee.
  6. New Business
Discussion about staff supplemental. Decided we were suspending it until further notice.
  1. Committee reports
    1. Membership
8 new members
    1. Book Fair/Literacy
      1. Need help! Posting on FB, sending home letter for volunteers.
      2. Profit has always been for PTO for students, books, etc. Discussion about splitting the profit with Miss Gattens. Voted yes.
    2. Family Fun Nights
      1. 56 families came to the Halloween night. Profit of $257.50
    3. Fundraiser
Coupon books were sent home to sell.
    1. Homeroom Party Coordinators
    1. Points for Education
Winning class for crazy hat day was Mrs Montag’s class.
    1. School Spirit
Carissa passed around the prints to be approved. Flyers will be sent home.

    1. Yearbook
      1. Taking pictures
      2. Flyer will be sent home
      3. Needs someone to take over next year.
    2. Field Day
NA (too early)
    1. Welcoming
  1. Questions and Comments
Meeting adjourned: 7:25pm
Motion by: Jennifer Swartzbeck
Seconded by: Kelly Labasik